San Geronimo Valley Stewards thank the volunteers, Spirit Rock Center which donated meeting space, Kallie Kull of Marin Dept. Public Works, and Sarah Phillips and Richard Plant of Marin Resource Conservation District for our January 14 program on creek restoration. Over 90 homeowners attended. People suggested volunteer projects, and asked questions about County and RCD assistance for creekside homes.

Sarah Phillips and Community of San Geronimo Valley Stewards

IDEAS FOR VOLUNTEER PROJECTS: Creek clean up, highway litter pick up, disposal of large abandoned junk, removal of ivy strangling shade trees, and invasive weed control. Sarah Phillips at Marin RCD can help organize projects, and arrange equipment and volunteer training.

WORKSHOPS: RCD suggested "how to do it" workshops including: xeriscaping (drought tolerant gardens), rainwater swales and gardens, and willow installations.

Families accomplish small projects with their own resources, or in neighborhood groups, without the long delays of government grants for construction. The reconstruction of Taylor Park Road in Lagunitas is one example.

SITE VISITS: Both RCD and Marin County agencies may offer site visits to evaluate private land, but only when requested by the homeowner. The homeowner could then proceed at his own pace for design and construction. Examples: stabilize stream banks, remove invasive weeds and re-vegetate with natives, control erosion, infiltrate rainwater, grade creek slopes.

RCD assured residents that it does not enter private property without an invitation from the owner. RCD has no regulatory authority and does not file enforcement complaints. Marin DPW uses outside consultants who have no regulatory or code enforcement duties.

Sarah Phillips and Community of San Geronimo Valley Stewards

CONTACT INFORMATION for agencies to help with questions about creeks, volunteer projects, or permits:

Sarah Phillips, Marin Resource Conservation District
415-663-1170, ext 302, sarah@marinrcd.org

Kallie Kull, Marin Dept. Public Works
415-473-6532, kkull@marincounty.org

Dmitriy Lashkevich, Marin County Area Engineer for Development Permits
415-473-6533 DLashkevich@marincounty.org

Rob Carson, Marin Dept Public Works,
free creek permitting assistance, coordinating with state and federal agencies
415-473-2745, RCarson@marincounty.org

San Geronimo Valley Stewards stand ready to support homeowners and improve our creeks.
You can contact us at--
website: www.sgvstewards.org email: info@sgvstewards.org
Co-Presidents: Steve Tognini togninisteve@gmail.com,
Koa Pickering koapickering@hotmail.com