july 2020

Watch for New Stream Map and County Ordinance

Marin County is preparing a new Lidar map of San Geronimo Valley streams and land contours. SGV Stewards has requested County staff to post on its website a search tool, so each family can locate their property and determine whether it is within the Stream Conservation Area. County staff expects the new map may be available in early 2021.

County staff is also drafting a new stream ordinance that would apply only in San Geronimo Valley. Every parcel that is completely or partially within 100 feet of any stream would be governed by the new ordinance. A "stream" may include seasonal run-offs and ephemeral flows that are wet only when it rains.

We believe the new regulations should have positive incentives to encourage voluntary compliance, with less emphasis on complaint-based punitive enforcement. The County has stated SGV Stewards and other groups would have opportunities to submit comments and confer with staff about the draft ordinance. SGVStewards will alert you to times and dates of public community meetings, which may be virtual online because of Covid restrictions.

SG Valley Stewards seek to protect and maintain our existing family homes. We are not developers. We request a stream ordinance that encourages reasonable and effective stream conservation, and permits low cost solutions for home repairs, small property improvements, affordable housing accessory units, and fire protection.

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